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Welcome to West Nipissing Fishing, we hope to have this site fully operational by the spring fishing season. This should allow the angling community to exchange information and tales and advice on this diverse fishing area. Our aim is to become the . Calling fishing folk everywhere, help us make this a great locally focused fishing site, register and contribute to in the Fish Talk Forum: We still have a ton of work to do on content and layout however, input from anglers like you, (my gentle reader) makes the real difference. If you have fished the area many people want to know about your experience, tell us your stories, insights.

This site is evolving, explore the information and links we have so far and leave any comments or suggestions here.

Interesting Area Facts

West Nipissing is home to an immense and diverse water shed large parts of which see little angling pressure (a handful of locals) and the fishing here is phenomenal. Perhaps the most interesting least known aspect of this place is that it is location of a broad ecotone between two forests; The Boreal of Ontario's North and the St Lawrence of the South. They call this place nature country with good reason:

Ecotone: "....Forest do not exist in a vacuum. Most forests are surrounded by different types of habits such as varying aged fields, croplands, or residential areas. The boarder between two types of habitats, such as where a forest meets a field is called an ecotone. Ecotones are composed of a mixture of species from the neighboring habitats but are, in their own way, unique.......The species richness of ecotones is often higher than that of either the bordering habitats because the ectone contains species from both habitats"1

It's easy to understand what a positive effect the area's geographic location has on the quality and quantity of fish. Come Fish West Nipissing!


1) A Field Guide to Eastern Forests : North America


Copyright (c) 2006 A Piece of Canada